+44 (0) 1635 580595
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Collectables (527)
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Lot 481 - A Chinese Bronze Figure of the Infant Buddha
Lot 482 - A bronze figure of Shiva Nataraja
Lot 483 - An Antique Tibetan Buddha Stupa Pagoda Tower
Lot 484 - A bronze figure of Shiva Nataraja
Lot 485 - A Chinese Hardstone Erotic figure
Lot 486 - A Tibetan Thangka of Vajrapani
Lot 487 - A Sino-Tibetan gilt bronze of Buddha
Lot 488 - A Chinese Kwan Yin Buddha Brick
Lot 489 - A Chinese Cloisonne and gilt bronze figure of a seated Buddha
Lot 490 - A Middle Eastern White Metal Opium Pipe
Lot 491 - Three Thai Cloth Bags
Lot 492 - A Chinese Amulet/Bell
Lot 493 - A collection of Chinese Ceramics
Lot 494 - Four small Buddha Heads
Lot 495 - A Chinese Bronze Twin Handle Vase
Lot 496 - An assortment of Middle and Far Eastern metalware
Lot 497 - A Soapstone Foo Lion Seal
Lot 498 - A Chinese carved wooden figure of a Deity
Lot 499 - A pair of Middle Eastern Bidri Ware White metal Vases
Lot 500 - A pair of heavy metal Chinese Vases
Lot 501 - Allom (Thomas, Illustrator)
Lot 502 - A large collection of Royal Asiatic Society Journals
Lot 503 - A pair of Mother of Pearl Vases
Lot 504 - A set of 19th Century Asian Brass Scale
Lot 505 - A 19th Century Turkish/Greek Girdle/Belt Clasp
Lot 506 - Three Carved Wooden Elephant Figures
Lot 507 - A collection of Asian Lacquered boxes
Lot 508 - A collection of Asian Items
Lot 509 - An assortment of Cloisonne Items
Lot 510 - A set of four Oriental Poe Scrolls
Lot 511 - A collection of Oriental Soapstone Seals
Lot 512 - Two Far Eastern Carved Soapstone Landscape Scenes
Lot 513 - A collection of Far Eastern Soapstone Figures
Lot 514 - A Chinese Porcelain Buddha
Lot 515 - A Chinese Heavy Metal Incense Burner
Lot 516 - A Chinese Archaic Bronze Figure of Standing Buddha
Lot 517 - An Oriental Bronze figure of Dakini
Lot 518 - An Oriental Carved Stone Bust
Lot 519 - A Chinese Hardwood carved Netsuke
Lot 520 - A Chinese Bone Snuff Box
Lot 521 - Two Chinese Framed Works of Art
Lot 522 - Set of Four Chinese Oil on Canvas Paintings The Four Seasons (4)
Lot 523 - Oriental Silk Needlework Panels and Others (6)
Lot 524 - Middle Eastern Brass Ware (7)
Lot 525 - Middle Eastern Copper Ware (7)
Lot 526 - Middle Eastern Copper and Other Metal Ware (11)
Lot 527 - A 17th/18th Century Chinese Rhinoceros Horn Libation Cup