+44 (0) 1635 580595
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Collectables (527)
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Lot 193 - A Hardy 'Conquest' Fishing Reel
Lot 194 - A Hardy 'Silex' Fishing Reel
Lot 195 - A Chris Lythe Centre Pin Fishing Reel
Lot 196 - A Chris Lythe 'Eclipse' Centre Pin Fishing Reel
Lot 197 - A large Fibreglass Sailfish
Lot 198 - A collection of Fishing Reels
Lot 199 - A Hardy Marquis Salmon No.1 Reel
Lot 200 - Coco De Mer
Lot 201 - A collection of large Sea Shells
Lot 202 - A collection of worked Minerals
Lot 203 - Three pairs of Antlers
Lot 204 - Taxidermy
Lot 205 - Taxidermy
Lot 206 - Taxidermy
Lot 207 - A Malachite Corn on the Cob Sculpture
Lot 208 - A selection of Sea Shells and Corals
Lot 209 - A collection of various Minerals
Lot 210 - A Eastern Press Limited Specimen of Printing Book
Lot 211 - An assortment of items made from bone
Lot 212 - A collection of Ancient Flint tools
Lot 213 - An assortment of Leolithic Axes heads
Lot 214 - A large Neolithic Axe Head/Tool
Lot 215 - A collection of Roman Era Pottery
Lot 216 - A collection of various Minerals
Lot 217 - A collection of fossils
Lot 218 - European Robin (Erithacus Rubecula)
Lot 219 - An Exotic Bird Taxidermy Diorama
Lot 220 - A large Exotic Bird wall mounted Taxidermy Diorama
Lot 221 - Two Framed and Glazed British Moth and Butterfly Displays
Lot 222 - A large stoneware pot
Lot 223 - A good collection of Natural Minerals
Lot 224 - A Carved Crocodile Figure
Lot 225 - A 16th Century Mule Bell
Lot 226 - Lobi (Ghana) Statue
Lot 227 - Dogon (Mali) Statue
Lot 228 - Lobi (Ghana) Statue
Lot 229 - Ewe (Ghana) Twin Figures
Lot 230 - Adan (Togo/Ghana) Shrine Figure
Lot 231 - West African Fine Statue
Lot 232 - Adja/Aja (Benin) Figure
Lot 233 - Yoruba (Nigeria) Shango Dance Wand
Lot 234 - Luguru (Tanzania) Seated Figure with Beads
Lot 235 - Dogon 'Rainmaker' Statue
Lot 236 - Akuaba (Ghana) Figure
Lot 237 - Dogon (Mali) Figure
Lot 238 - Dogon (Mali) Figure
Lot 239 - Teke Janus Figure
Lot 240 - Dogon Figure (Fragment)
Lot 241 - Benin 'Big Hands' Figures
Lot 242 - Omo Valley/Turkana (Ethipia/Kenya) Beaded Leather Ornamentation
Lot 243 - Moroccan Stoneware Water Vessel
Lot 244 - Dogon Maternity Figure
Lot 245 - Bobo Figure from Burkina Faso (Dioulasso Area)
Lot 246 - Baule Figure
Lot 247 - Fon Twin Figure
Lot 248 - Adja Twin Figure
Lot 249 - A small collection of African Head Rests
Lot 250 - Tanzanian Figure
Lot 251 - An African Mancala Board
Lot 252 - Joseph Adeyemi Fakeye
Lot 253 - George Bamidele Areogun
Lot 254 - A large African wooden container
Lot 255 - A large carved wooden figure of a female
Lot 256 - A carved and beaded African Bamileke Mask
Lot 257 - An African Maternity Mask
Lot 258 - An African Carved Wooden Crocodile
Lot 259 - A Kuba carved wooden helmet mask
Lot 260 - An African Doll Figure
Lot 261 - An African Mask/Headdress
Lot 262 - A group of five carved wooden panels
Lot 263 - A small selection of carved wooden African Fishermen/Tradesmen Firgure
Lot 264 - Two pairs of African carved wooden bookends
Lot 265 - A small selection of African Carved Wooden Tourist Pieces
Lot 266 - A selection of African items
Lot 267 - A selection of Currency/Slave Bangles
Lot 268 - A good collection of Trade Beads and Jewellery
Lot 269 - A Benin cast metal Head of Queen Iyoba
Lot 270 - Marcel Gotene (Congolese 1935-2013)
Lot 271 - Two African Kora Lutes
Lot 272 - A carved wooden Yoruba Couple
Lot 273 - A small collection of African Tribal Masks
Lot 274 - A Lobi Female figure
Lot 275 - A Songhay Basonge Power Figure
Lot 276 - An assortment of various Pottery
Lot 277 - An African Headdress
Lot 278 - Two 19th Century Algerian/North African Berber Pottery Vessels
Lot 279 - An African carved wooden Mask
Lot 280 - An African Knob Kerrie
Lot 281 - A small selection of African wooden plates and bowls
Lot 282 - Three African Walking Canes and a Paddle
Lot 283 - An Australian Boomerang
Lot 284 - Three Decorative Carved Tribal items
Lot 285 - Two African (Sudanese) Turkana Wrist Knives
Lot 286 - An African Bronze Sculpture
Lot 287 - A Shona Stone Sculpture
Lot 288 - An African Igbo Mask