Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 12:00 pm GMT
Viewing from Monday 3rd to Monday 10th March 2025, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm (including Sunday 9th) Please call 01635 580595 to book your appointment.
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Lot 385
An early 19th century Oberammergau carved wooden travelling icon salesman
Lot 387
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché street vendor selling song sheets nodder
Lot 388
A mid 19th century Thüringen composition street vendor nodder
Lot 389
A mid 19th century Thüringen composition street vendor nodder
Lot 390
A mid 19th century Thüringen composition street sweeper nodder
Lot 395
A mid 19th century Rhöner carved wooden man heading to market
Lot 396
A mid 19th century Rhöner carved wooden railway station drinking water boy
Lot 398
A mid 19th century Rhöner carved wooden girl heading to market
Lot 401
A mid 19th century Thüringen small character with keys nodder
Lot 406
A group of mid to late 19th century Thüringen composition workmen
Lot 410
A mid 19th century Sonneberg composition eight piece band
Lot 411
A mid 19th century Thüringen Old Dame Trot and her Comical Cats nodder
Lot 412
A mid 19th century Thüringen seated man with spaniel and pug nodder
Lot 413
A late 19th century Sonneberg composition operatic character Pomponnet
Lot 414
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché traveling minstrel nodder
Lot 415
A mid to late 19th century Thüringen actor or singer eating grapes nodder
Lot 416
A mid to late 19th century Thüringen white faced clown squeak toy
Lot 419
A mid 19th century German papier-mâché large headed Dandy gentleman nodder
Lot 420
A mid to late 19th century Thüringen gentleman character swayer
Lot 422
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché figure of an angry man match striker
Lot 423
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché nodder, probably Dickens’s Tony Weller
Lot 426
A mid 19th century composition Thüringen nodding Mr Pickwick with Mrs Bardell in his arms
Lot 427
A mid 19th century composition Thüringen nodding Mr Pickwick dancing
Lot 428
A mid 19th century Thüringen swing body composition dancing girl
Lot 429
Two mid to late 19th century small Thüringen characters with wax heads
Lot 430
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché Old Mother Hubbard nodder
Lot 431
A late 19th century German carved wooden fairytale King and page
Lot 432
A late 19th or early 20th century German pull-along clown and dancing poodle toy
Lot 434
An early 20th century German composition clockwork clown riding a donkey backwards
Lot 438
A late 19th century Thüringen white faced clown eating a pig crank handled ‘eater’
Lot 439
A late 19th century Thüringen black man clown eating a bug crank handled ‘eater’
Lot 440
An early 20th century Thüringen white faced clown eating a pom-pom crank handled ‘eater’
Lot 441
Eleven early 20th century pottery flat-back musician, possibly French
Lot 442
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché girl knitting squeak toy
Lot 444
A mid 19th century Thüringen composition boy on nodding donkey pull along toy
Lot 445
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché girl and goat squeak toy
Lot 446
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché girl and sheep squeak toy
Lot 447
A mid 19th century Oberammergau wooden swaddled baby doll (Fatschenkind)
Lot 448
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché girl and yellow bird squeak toy
Lot 449
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché two girls kissing squeak toy
Lot 450
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché girl riding a hound
Lot 451
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché crying child squeak toy
Lot 452
A watercolour by C W Wing of a young boy holding a marotte 1836
Lot 453
A mid 19th century Thüringen papier-mâché boy and sheep squeak toy
Lot 454
A mid to late 19th century papier-mâché boy riding a cockerel
Lot 458
A mid19th century German mercury Chinese acrobat tumbling toy
Lot 461
A mid to late 19th century German hand-cranked musical castle diorama
Lot 465
A mid 18th century pastel of Thomas Osborne Marquess of Carmarthen with his tumbling toy
Lot 467
A mid 19th century German mercury Chinese acrobat tumbling toy
Lot 470
A late 19th century Dessien Simon clockwork tinplate floor train
Lot 471
A late 19th century Erzgebirge wood and cardboard floor train
Lot 473
A German early 20th century novelty bread roll with appearing mouse
Lot 474
A German early 20th century novelty bread roll with appearing mouse
Lot 476
An early 20th century composition Native American balancing toy
Lot 478
An 19th century ‘Die Instigen Musikanten’ or ‘The Merry Musicians’ board game
Lot 480
A late 19th century Albin Amende (Sonneberg) large size wrestling toy